Dear LCIA Members,

I need to let everyone know that the same logging company that has already logged parts of Frailey Mountain by illicitly using a residential lot to access their timber property on the mountain filed a Forest Practices Application (FPA) on May 15, 2024 to build a road and an 88’ bridge between the two separate areas on the mountain that were logged a few years ago. The construction of this road and bridge will cross at least six streams while traversing a very steep section of the mountain. They don’t even plan on putting a culvert in or a bridge over some of the streams, they plan on just driving the logging truck through the streams. As I said, the FPA was filed on May 15, 2024, and The Lake Cavanaugh Trust was notified on May 20, 2024 (they aren’t not sure why this took so long and they are going to look in to that). You are given only 15 days, which will be May 30, 2024, to submit comments on an FPA and then DNR will make a decision to approve or deny the FPA by June 15th. That really doesn’t give us much time. The Lake Cavanaugh Trust has hired the same law firm as last time, Bricklin and Newman, to assist with the comments. They have also hired a geologist to review the FPA and give a report to submit with the comments.

Please review the Forest Practices Application (FPA) to acquaint yourself with the process and look for anything in the FPA that we can challenge.

Please submit your comments to Bob McCullough, a member of the Lake Cavanaugh Trust.

The Lake Cavanaugh Trust, which was established in 1994 for this type of purpose, is looking for anyone interested in joining the Trust to help with the fight. The Trust also needs donations to help pay for the lawyers and consultants needed to challenge the FPA. Please reach out if you want to volunteer or donate.
